Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 1 - Hitting the road

Those who know us know that we have had quite the struggle over the past few years of our life. We've been moving back and forth from Utah, Idaho, and Missouri, and have gone through multiple periods of unemployment. My pregnancies are usually always difficult to some degree (never high risk, but always sick), and we've just had a really hard time adjusting and getting ourselves to a point where we truly feel settled and stable. We've been depressed, angry, and nervous about our life situations for far too long.

That is about to change. We hope.

This upcoming week, we will make the move once again halfway across the country to "start over" and this time we're bound and determined to make it work. We know our Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and we intend to finally figure out what that master plan is. We don't know where this road will ultimately take us, but we know that we are going to stick together as a family and try to learn to enjoy life even through the trials.

My goal is to blog every Sunday for the next year (hopefully longer) and and keep all of our family and friends from (literally) all over the world updated on our growing family.

This weeks blog is to give a farewell to St. Louis, which will always be considered "home" in its own way - no matter where we are. While we will miss the family and friends we are leaving behind, we are ecstatic to see what our journey has in store for us.

It can't be any worse than it has been, and can only go up from here, right?

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