Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Week 3: So much for getting things done...

The past week has been uneventful yet eventful all at the same time, if that makes any sense at all? We're all battling some kind of illness - so running errands pretty much took the back seat.

It all started with Nathan having a sinus infection and his UTI came back. This resulted in 2 visits to the E.R. (We have to start out with a bang, right?) Then my cough came back full swing and has been super annoying. Now, Katelyn and Madison are getting the cough/cold going around and pretty much the entire household here has it. FUN! Not to mention for some reason my kids refuse to sleep at night - so me and Nate pretty much never sleep anymore.

Other than that, theres been a whole lot of nothing going on besides sitting around, a little unpacking, and visiting with family. The older girls have fully introduced my girls to one of those dancing games on the Wii so now they're always dancing. They love it!

I decided to teach myself some new crochet projects so I started a baby cloche hat for baby Allyson - after many unsuccessful tries, I've finally got the hang of it. I hope to finish it in the next day or two, whenever I can find enough quiet time to focus on counting stitches.

Also, my brother in law turned 19 this week! Happy Birthday Josh!! Somewhere my mother in law has pictures of the girls dancing and Josh's birthday so these pictures are hers. I was an awful photographer this week and my camera hasn't left my car (I've already kicked myself in the rear for that one).

I did however find my card reader finally! So I've updated last weeks post with the pictures finally, so make sure you back track to check those out.

This week my goal is to take more pictures of our week - I'm super slacking!

1 comment:

  1. I am lucky if I take a few pictures each MONTH. You are doing great! I love that you have a blog and I can't wait to see you and hopefully meet Baby Ally! Miss you. Check us out at Addieandcallen.blogspot.com
