Saturday, March 19, 2011

Week 4: Sickies - leave us alone!

Unfortunately, our week was another uninteresting/uneventful one full of the sickies. We did however get one "okay" day out - even for just a couple of hours, and even though it wasn't we originally had planned the girls still had a good time. That's all that matters, right?

On Thursday (St. Patricks Day) we were under the impression that a lot of the local attractions were having a "free day" where we could get in for free. So we decided we would take the girls to the local aquarium. Unfortunately, its not the coolest aquarium in the world (once you've seen Chicago's aquarium anything looks dull) but for free we figured we'd go check it out anyway. Unfortunately when we got there - we realized we were wrong and it wasn't a day of free admission. We weren't going to pay the outrageous admission fee's for all 4 of us, so instead we improvised - we took the girls to see the big fish in the tanks at Cabellas! I know I know, not quite the same at all - but my 4 year old and 2 year old didn't care as long as they were seeing fish - and Cabella's was free!

The girls eating lunch at Mc Donalds

Feeding the fish at Cabellas

Who care's that the animals weren't real and alive? They loved it regardless.
So easy to please at such a young age. Better take advantage while I can right?

Our Cabella's trip was cut short because I was feeling very sick that day and nearly stayed home in bed, but I didn't want to miss the excitement with the girls so I made myself go out. The next day - I woke up feeling like death so I ended up spending most of the afternoon in the emergency room. After having an x-ray of my lungs and a bag of fluid the verdict was in - I had tested positive for Influenza A (Flu) and Bronchitis. So I'm back to my lovely friend, the Z-Pack, once again. On top of it all - my heart rate is kind of high - higher than normal that is - so it makes me extremely tired and I have been laying around since I got home from the ER. I can tell the Z-Pack is working, just have to give it more time.

Not only am I sick, but Nathan is still having problems with his UTI, Katelyn has finally gotten over her runny nose, and Madison still has a nasty cough. Not to mention the rest of the family who is passing around the flu, and a sister in law with a kidney infection. Aren't we all just a basket full of fun?

I'm really hoping the sickies leave us alone FAST. Im starting to go a little stir crazy and I desperately need to get Katelyn fully potty trained. At this rate the poor child will be 10 and still wearing diapers!

But, to end this blog post on a happy note - check out this video of Katelyn dancing to the "Cowboy Song" (as she calls it) also known as "Viva las Vegas". She refuses to do the dance without sporting the cowboy hat.


1 comment:

  1. That video is awesome!! Hope you feel better soon. That is totally no fun!!
