Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week 5: Birthday Fun and Thanksgiving in March

This week has been a little more eventful than the past few. My amazing hubby Nathan turned 33 for starters! Every time someone has a birthday we decorate the house, hang up signs, and have a special birthday dinner chosen by the birthday person to celebrate. Than's choices were London Broil followed by cheesecake! And I had to point out the "Chumlee is my homeboy" shirt I bought for him. We watch(ed) Pawn Stars religiously and Chum is our favorite. We saw someone on TV wearing this shirt once and talked about how we HAD to have it! So I found it and got it for him. He thought it was humorous :)

The girls helping daddy open his presents and blow out his candle.

Today (Sunday), we had a surprise Thanksgiving in March dinner at my brother in law and his families house. They are moving to Iowa in a couple of months so they wanted to have a Thanksgiving dinner with the family now since they wouldn't be around come November. We had some awesome Turkey, rice, fruit salad, plus some more goodies, and desert was to DIE for! Chocolately-peanut-buttery-awesomeness. I just wish I knew what it was called! Trust me - it was delish! Here are a couple pictures we snapped while there. I should have taken more - but my point-n-shoot is desperately needing to be replaced!

My niece Elizabeth and my brother in law Alex

Me and my sister in law, Jennica.

Me and my sisters in law Teresa and Jennica

As far as sicknesses go - I spent another evening in the emergency room after dealing with a fast heart rate and vomiting. After some fluids and an ultrasound to make sure I didn't have a blod clot in my leg, I went home feeling better. Since then I've discovered Nyquil/Dayquil and its been the only thing helping me feel alive during the day. It's even taking away the cough! So hopefully the next 10 weeks will be smooth sailing from here.

As of today - I am officially 30 weeks pregnant. And for those who are wanting a belly shot - here ya go. Just for the record - I'm half asleep because I'm currently in a Turkey-induced coma ;)

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